[#001 | #789 | DENIED] Bruce Ivy

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Bruce Ivy
Posts: 2
Joined: January 7th, 2024, 2:40 pm
RC-RP Forum Name: Kaden

[#001 | #789 | DENIED] Bruce Ivy

Post by Bruce Ivy » January 20th, 2024, 11:33 pm

| Section 1 - Personal Information |
1.1 - Surname: Ivy
1.2 - Forename: Bruce
1.3 - Middle Name: -

1.4 - Date of Birth: July 14th, 2000
1.5 - Age: 23
1.6 - Nationality: American
1.7 - Marital Status: Single

1.8 - Height (feet): 6'3
1.9 - Weight (pound): 187
1.10 - Hair colour:

[-] Blonde
[-] Brown
[✓] Black
[-] Ginger
[-] Other (please specify):

1.11 - Residential Address: Montogermy Hotel
1.12 - Contact Number(s): 222-0743
1.13 - Email address(s): [email protected]

1.14 - Current Licenses held:
[✓] General Vehicle License (GVL-1)
[X] Heavy Vehicle License (GVL-2)
[✓] Motorbike (MB)
[X] Boat (B)
[X] Helicopter (A1)
[X] Airplane (A2)

1.15 - Firearm Permit held:
[X - P] FCP-A

1.16 - Ethnic Group / Race:

[X] Black
[X] Pacific Islander
[X] American Indian
[X] Filipino
[✓] Middle Eastern
[X] Caucasian
[X] Hispanic

1.17 - Are you able to legally work in the United States?: Yes
1.18 - Do you hold a United States Citizenship?: Yes
1.19 - Do you have any previous fines and/or criminal convictions?: No
1.20 - Do you have any disabilities that may impair your ability as a State Trooper?: No
*Note all applicants are background checked with the criminal database. If you do not disclose this and have charges you may be denied for following reasons.
| Section 2 - Education & Employment
2.1 - Education Institute Attended: New York University
2.2 - Dates Attended (Start Year - Finish Year): 2019 - 2023
2.3 - Highest Qualification(s): Bachelors in Law
  • -
2.4 - Have you served in the military and please select the branch you were in:

[X] Navy
[X] Marines
[X] Coast Guard
[X] Reserved
[X] Army

2.5 - Can you speak any other languages?: (If yes please specify which) English, Arabic, Urdu.

2.6 - Current/Previous Employer: Department of Corrections
2.7 - Job Title: Correctional Officer III
2.8 - Job Address: Green Palms Corrections Facility
2.9 - Contact Number: N/A
2.10 - What are/were your duties?: I'm the highest in command in the absence of the warden, lieutenant, or sergeant and one step closer to sergeant. As a CO III, I am responsible for my fellow officers to ensure everyone is performing their duties. I assist the Sheriff's Department with transporting suspects to the facility and maintaining the facility.
2.11 - Reference: -
| Section 3 - Statement
Provide a statement highlighting the reason behind following a career within the law enforcement position, consider what caught your eye to this department and position and why you should be accepted within our department. Explain your reasoning behind being a better candidate than other applicants with the statement below it.

3.1 - Why do you wish to join the San Andreas State Police? (Minimum of 300 words): During my time as a Correctional Officer III, I have had the privilege of closely observing the work of San Andreas State Police officers. Their professionalism, dedication, and commitment to maintaining community safety have left a lasting impression on me. I greatly admire their ability to uphold order, ensure the well-being of both staff and inmates and promote a secure environment. My desire to join the San Andreas State Police stems from a deep passion for serving and protecting the community. Having witnessed the positive impact law enforcement officers can have, I was inspired to pursue a career in this field. The core values upheld by the San Andreas State Police, such as integrity, professionalism, and respect, resonate deeply with my own beliefs and principles. I am eager to align myself with an organization that shares my commitment to upholding the law, ensuring justice, and promoting public safety. By joining the San Andreas State Police, I would have the opportunity to work alongside like-minded individuals who are dedicated to making a positive difference in the community we serve. Joining the San Andreas State Police would provide me with a platform to make an even greater contribution to the welfare of our community. My experience as a Correctional Officer III has equipped me with valuable skills in maintaining security, resolving conflicts, and enforcing rules and regulations. I am confident that these skills, along with my strong work ethic and attention to detail, would enable me to excel in serving as a member of the San Andreas State Police.

| Section 4 - Declaration |
I, Bruce Ivy, declare that all information that I have provided in the application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. All content in the application is my work and any other work that I have included (such as quotations) has been referenced. I further understand that any falsification of statements, misrepresentation, deliberate omission, or concealment of information may be considered just cause for immediate dishonorable dismissal.

I, Bruce Ivy, hereby declare and confirm that all the entries in this application form are correct. I undertake that in case any information furnished by me is found to be fake or incomplete or any material information concealed by me, my candidature may be cancelled.

I, Bruce Ivy, as a current applicant and potential employee (if successful) of the San Andreas State Police, understand that any actions that are taken by myself in the field are down to my own personal judgment. This means that if a case involving myself is taken to the Superior Court - I will be liable for my own actions. This includes any damage costs that are put against the State Police for actions taken by myself. (Reference 4.1.17 Personal Liability)

(( I hereby OOC'ly swear that I will void any and all insults as existing OOC in nature. I will avoid OOC insults, and promise never to post against the training officer(s) while in the San Andreas State Police. I specifically recognize that all offensive language said in-game, and via Teamspeak, will only be interpreted/analyzed as pertaining to in-character insults only. I also acknowledge that I can be removed from the SASP for any reason, whether it is IC or OOC. ))


Bruce Ivy
| ((Section 5 - OOC Information))
5.1 - RCRP Forum Name: Kaden
5.2 - RCRP Master Account Name: Kaden
5.3 - Age: 18
5.4 - Timezone (UTC Format): OC
5.5 - Country: Pakistan
5.6 - Are you able to use TeamSpeak? (Mandatory): Yes.
5.7 - Any previous law enforcement roleplay/real life experience?: Yes, I've had previous law enforcement roleplay in other servers.

5.8 - How long have you been roleplaying? More than four years.
5.9 - How long have you been roleplaying on RCRP? Since the re-launch.

5.10 - List all your character names: Bruce Ivy, Thomas Allen

5.11 - Have you ever undergone the Recruitment process within the San Andreas State Police before? (If yes, please state your previous name(s).) No.

5.12 - Administrative Record

5.13 - Level 3+ Character (/stats):

Gabriel Rodriguez
Posts: 129
Joined: October 14th, 2019, 8:23 pm
RC-RP Forum Name: khizer
Badge Number: #789
Station Assignment: Montgomery Station

Re: [#001] Bruce Ivy

Post by Gabriel Rodriguez » January 21st, 2024, 11:00 am



Mr. Ivy,

Thank you for showing your interest in joining the San Andreas State Police.

We are emailing in regards to your recently submitted application for the Academy. We have received your application and has been acknowledged by the Recruitment Unit. Your application will be processed and necessary background checks will be conducted throughout.

You should expect a response to your request within 72 hours.

State Trooper Adam Price
Recruitment Officer,
Tel: 9-1-1 (Non-emergency)

Gabriel Rodriguez
Posts: 129
Joined: October 14th, 2019, 8:23 pm
RC-RP Forum Name: khizer
Badge Number: #789
Station Assignment: Montgomery Station

Re: [#001 | #789 | DENIED] Bruce Ivy

Post by Gabriel Rodriguez » January 21st, 2024, 8:44 pm



Mr. Ivy,

We are writing in regards to your recently submitted application for a position in Academy Batch #005. We have reviewed your application and have, unfortunately, decided to deny your application.

The reason(s) for this denial is as follows:
  • (( Plagiarism/AI - Section 3.1))

We wish you the best of luck in any future endeavors. You are NOT allowed to submit another application until the next academy batch.

(( If you were denied for character-related concerns, please refer yourself here if you are able to submit another application. ))

State Trooper Adam Price,
Recruitment Officer,
Tel: 9-1-1 (Non-emergency)


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